
dare not speak?

Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie,
Dust unto dust—
The calm, sweet earth that mothers all who die
As all men must;

Mourn not your captive comrades who must dwell,
Too strong to strive—
Within each steel-bound coffin of a cell,
Buried alive;

But rather mourn the apathetic throng,
The coward and the meek—
Who see the world’s great anguish and its wrong
And dare not speak.

- Ralph Chaplin


moo =)

Where Inishmore island, Aran Islands, Ireland
When 1993
Photographer Sam Abell

Cows graze beside some of the hundreds of miles of stone walls that crisscross Inishmore. The walls mark field boundaries and also serve a double purpose as well—farmers needed somewhere to pile the stones they had to remove from their rock-strewn fields in order to farm.

---> foto bersama sapinakal, sapikun, sama sapi anonymous. manis-manis ya? hehe =)




inside my head, i have a list of things i must-do, must-see, must-visit, must-eat, must-etc etc.. going to the shanghai bund was one of the items on my list.. playing the violin is another =)

i've always felt this strong attraction towards the violin since i was a child, but i never got the chance to actually do anything about it till now.. i started taking lessons a couple of weeks ago, and i honestly have to say i love every minute of it =)

so.. if you have a wish list - not talking about possessions here - please start doing all those things one by one, as soon as you can, even if it takes a while.. my violin wish had to wait in line for 20 years, hehe.. if you don't have a wish list.. please start making one as fast as you can, it really will make you happy =)

lars leetaru illustration


it's interesting.. ever since i've started taking all these close-up pictures of things that i never really paid attention to before.. i realize that i'm not that squeamish anymore about insects.. frogs.. lizards.. etc etc.. the wonder & complexity in nature's smallest things.. are pretty amazing when you take time to stop & see =)


bukittinggi - 1980

Where : Bukittinggi, Sumatra, Indonesia
When : 1980
Photographer : David Alan Harvey

"A lowering thundercloud seems to erupt from Mount Singgalang, one of two volcanoes shadowing the bustling highland market town and tourist center of Bukittinggi. Dutch colonizers once made Bukittinggi their stronghold, aiming a cannon from the heights of Fort de Kock into the town itself to preempt rebellion by the restive populace."

-- fotonya bagus amat.. kayanya modern gitu ya padahal tahun 1980 diambilnya.. warna-warnanya bagus, dramatis =)


dhammapada 13

See it as a bubble,
See it as a mirage;
One who regards the world this way
the King of Death doesn't see.

Come, look at this world
all decked out
like a royal chariot,
where fools plunge in,
while those who know
don't cling.

- translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu


creative advertising =)

foto ini saya ambil di seberang RS PKU solo.. hehe.. bisa-bisanya.. =)

snow festival - japan

more cool pics from ian =)

si chilly in action 2

wah.. si chilly tambah manis ya? bener-bener ngingetin ke marco & melly, hehe.. bikin gemes =)

kata Dhian, "ini ada beberapa foto chilly yg lebih dewasa,hihihihi...
dia mulai nakal, suka gigit2 and nyakar2,
tapi it's ok...mungkin dia pgn main2 ya...
waktu difoto ini, udh 2 minggu ga di-salon-in, jadi agak berantakan, hahahaha..."


arsitektur soba

kemarin pas si dhian ke solo, sayangnya ngga ada waktu buat balik ke solo baru untuk moto2 rumah2 asyik di situ.. jadinya saya balik ke solo baru lagi ditemenin ama mami yang pas lagi dateng dari bandung, hehe =)

first up.. kemarin saya ama dhian terkagum-kagum liat pager rumah ini..

hebat amat ya design wrought iron-nya.. tapi rumahnya jadi rada kalah ma pagarnya..

terus.. ada beberapa rumah yang ukurannya ngga gede2 banget, tapi designnya cantik.. seneng liatnya =)

masih ada foto-foto laen tapi udah ngantuk.. to be continued tomorrow =)


istana tamansari - yogya

dapet foto2 bagus lagi - thank you banget ya ian =)

kata Dhian, "waktu pulang kemaren aku emang ga sempat pergi ke tamansari, tapi kameraku sempat dipinjem adeknya Dion u/ pergi ke tamansari, ini ada 2 hasil jepretan beliau...kayaknya sekarang udh bagus bgt, beda dgn keadaan 10 tahun lalu, waktu aku masih baru kuliah di yogya, hehehe..."

kata Dhian juga, waktu kita ngobrol minggu lalu, ceritanya istana tamansari itu dulu dipake sbg tempat mandi2 istri2 sultan yogya.. terus.. tiap hari, sultan lempar bunga ke kolam.. istri yang paling deket dengan bunga dapat kehormatan utk nemenin sultan malam itu.. legendanya begitu...

---> jadi mikir.. istri2nya pada berebutan mendekati bunga atau menjauhi bunga ya? hehe... :P


moon 4

how beautiful is this =)

NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao lived aboard the International Space Station from October 2004 to April 2005 as commander of NASA's Expedition 10. During that time, he took more than 24,000 digital photos from his one-of-a-kind vantage point in orbit. A full moon skirts the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, or limb, in this photo. "This photo to me is about dreaming," Chiao said.



hi =)

on a planet other than earth.. would a frog be considered as a mysterious alien? are 'aliens' that 'visit our planet'.. just frogs in their own home planet? hehe =)


i wonder.. do mushrooms look like giant oaks & sequoias to ants, towering high above them..? in turn, do our giant oaks & sequoias just look like mushrooms to something much larger than us..? :)


wise words from okinawa

fi-tu-ya chimu gukuru
what counts most is heart


microscopic 2: salt & pepper

David McCarthy, a researcher at the London School of Pharmacy, used an electron microscope to take this image of a peppercorn and a grain of sea salt, offering a close-up glimpse at the structures of everyday products.



i never saw a moor,
i never saw the sea;
yet i know how the heather looks,
and what a wave must be.

i never spoke with God,
nor visited in heaven;
yet certain am i of the spot
as if the chart were given.

Emily Dickinson

the original philly stadium? =)

The amphitheater in modern-day Amman, Jordan, is a reminder of a time when Rome ruled the city, then called Philadelphia. Conquered in 30 B.C., Philadelphia was one of ten loosely allied, Roman-ruled cities in what is now the Middle East.

Under Roman rule, Philadelphia was recast in the typical Roman style of the day: a colonnaded main street, baths, and of course, an amphitheater. This theater is one of the most well-preserved remnants of the ancient city. For some ancient Philadelphians, it was seen as a prized symbol of Roman citizenship.



waktu ngobrol ama dhian, bicara dikit perjalanan yg dulu2.. jadi pengen nge-post foto2nya..

first on the list.. shanghai - sep 2004

view from my hotel room - pudong : a new area of shanghai that's being developed at breakneck speed. chock full of new office buildings, apartment buildings, convention centers, etc etc..

view of my hotel room - renaissance hotel, pudong - friendly staff =)

one of the high-rise office buildings in shanghai that caught my eye

shanghai bund! there used to be a HK TV series called Shanghai Bund in the 90's.. I loved the series, so The Bund became one of my must-visit-before-I-die-destinations =) the place really is stunning at night..

hihi.. burem ya.. me in front of one of the lion statues on the steps of Bangkok Bank, one of the banks lining the Bund.

another view of the Bund

cityscape - huangpu river, across from the bund

oriental pearl tv tower - supposed to be the 3rd highest building in the world - also on the banks of huangpu river, across from the bund

--> although shanghai has metamorphized into a modern city, there's still a mixture of old & new, they've managed to preserve some historical spots, which is pretty cool =)



tadi ketemu dhian, baru pulang ke solo =) makan pizza hut as usual heheh.. terus keliling solo baru - ada bbrp rumah yg asyik buat difoto, tapi sayangnya dua2nya ngga bawa kamera.. udahnya ke vihara jl juanda - kayanya juga asyik buat difoto - tapi udah nyampe malu sendiri, ngga jadi masuk, hehe, ntar coba lagi mungkin jumat/sabtu =)

tadi nitip juga minta tolong dhian moto2 monumen2 di jakarta kalo sempet.. =) dhian juga cerita, mau ke istana air taman sari yogya.. fotonya ditunggu ya ian =)

flowers 6

does anyone know what kind of flower this is.. ajaib banget ya.. :0


sunbathing after taking a dip.. what a life.. =)


rosa the naked chef 3

went on a cooking spree these past few days! tried out 3 recipes from jamie =)

mashed potatoes - yum - courtesy of risa =)

mini green beans parboiled, drained, then cooked together with tomato sauce made out of e.v. olive oil, garlic, and 1 can of chopped & peeled california tomatoes

beans + mash + pork sausages from mien satu =)

king of puddings! photo & recipe from j.o. cookbook

king of puddings : final product : raspberry jam topped with custard, topped again with meringue =)


prepping bell pepper halves, stuffed with parboiled & peeled cherry tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil, dried marjoram, e.v. olive oil, and salt & pepper

rosa the speedy chef =)

peppers & tomatoes - ready to be stuffed with garlic, basil & seasoning then whacked into the oven =)

voila =)

sheets of light

pake v3 lagi.. foto diambil kira-kira jam 6-7 malem.. kalo moto dalam kegelapan malah hasilnya lumayan..

self portrait

nyoba moto pake motorola razr v3 lagi.. hehe.. kok ngga mirip ama aslinya ya? :P