

inside my head, i have a list of things i must-do, must-see, must-visit, must-eat, must-etc etc.. going to the shanghai bund was one of the items on my list.. playing the violin is another =)

i've always felt this strong attraction towards the violin since i was a child, but i never got the chance to actually do anything about it till now.. i started taking lessons a couple of weeks ago, and i honestly have to say i love every minute of it =)

so.. if you have a wish list - not talking about possessions here - please start doing all those things one by one, as soon as you can, even if it takes a while.. my violin wish had to wait in line for 20 years, hehe.. if you don't have a wish list.. please start making one as fast as you can, it really will make you happy =)

lars leetaru illustration