
dunia kita

ketemu website bagus banget, Solar Views.. isinya foto-foto tata surya yang diambil dari teleskop, satelit, etc etc..

"This color image of the Earth was obtained by the Galileo spacecraft early Dec. 12, 1990, when the spacecraft was about 1.6 million miles from the Earth."

"This image of the Earth and Moon was the first picture taken by the Nozomi camera."

"The NOAA Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colo., used the NOAA GOES-12 satellite space weather instrumentation to observe the passage of Venus in front of the sun. This transit of Venus is the first in 122 years. ... The image shows the Venus transit as captured by the NOAA Solar X-ray Imager from 12:54 a.m. to 8:44 a.m. EDT.
In the NOAA images, Venus appears as a dark disk about 1/30th the sun’s apparent diameter. ... The path across the disk is from the southeast to the southwest."

--> asyik banget ngga sih? =)