
google vs microsoft

i read an article in this week's edition of business week asia about the giant octopus named google.. how they're spreading their tentacles into all sorts of niches.. google earth.. picassa.. hello.. blogger.. android.. gmail.. browsers & OSs.. etc etc..

reminds me of microsoft.. google's colors are the same as microsoft's too.. red, blue, green, orange/yellow..

for some reason, i've always rooted for the underdog ever since i was little.. maybe it's because i'm the youngest child.. i used to be small for my age too.. i know how hard it is to fight against the bigger kids, hehe..

so.. i chose pepsi instead of coca-cola.. macintosh instead of ibm.. burger king instead of mcdonald's.. mozilla instead of explorer.. bmw instead of mercedes (can bmw be considered as an underdog? hehe).. etc etc.. i probably like The Godfather so much because Michael Corleone was the underdog, but in the end, he won.. =)

i don't blindly choose underdogs all the time.. but underdogs usually provide better products anyway.. and healthy competition is almost always a good thing..

so now.. i hope someone can topple microsoft off from its perch.. be it linux.. or google.. or yahoo.. etc etc..

after that.. will i root for microsoft? who knows.. maybe.. hehe..